Team Northern Ontario is out in force at this year’s PDAC conference in Toronto. Charlie Angus is participating in the conference through the Northern Ontario FEDNOR exhibition. He says the north has never been better represented at the huge international mining gathering.
“Northern Ontario’s presence at PDAC has been incredible this year. Our partners at FEDNOR have done an amazing job bringing northern business and expertise to this conference. We have been meeting investors from all over the world.”
Angus says that there is a growing interest in the potential for mining in the north.
"I have been coming to PDAC for many years and this year the buzz around the north is noticeable. We have a number of important mining operations coming on stream and there is a real excitement over new opportunities for discovery.”

One of the highlights of the week-long PDAC conference is the “Northern Ontario Night” where northern municipalities, First Nations and companies showcase northern hospitality.
“This year, it seems that everyone wants to be a northerner.”