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Here you will find a list of funding opportunities for small businesses, large corporations as well as the tourism and hospitality sector.


Included there is also information about possible rent subsidies, grants, loan forgiveness and mortgage deferrals both for residential and commercial properties.






Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC


The Business Development Bank of Canada -BDC is a financial institution owned by the Government of Canada and is the primary vehicle by which the federal government supports Canada's small and medium-sized enterprises. The BDC offers financing with flexible repayment terms.


Here is a list of ways in which the BDC can help with the recovery. Please visit the links for further information on these programs.

Financial Relief for Entrepreneurs

BDC offers small business loans "Up to $100,000 online for businesses who have been in operation for at lease 24 months and a generating revenues." For more information please visit HERE

Working Capital Loan

"Up to two million to help cover operational activities such as supporting sales growth, financing initiatives to drive revenue and support a recovery plan." For more information please visit HERE

Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)

CEBA provides “Access [to] an interest-free loan of up to $20,000 in addition to the original CEBA loan of $40,000.”

For more information please visit HERE

Co-Lending Program

This program provides “Up to $12.5 million for your operational cash flow requirements”.

For more information please visit HERE

EDC Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) Guarantee

Through Export Development Canada, this program provides “Up to $6.25 million to help cover operating costs during a period where revenues have been temporarily reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Mid-Market Financing Program

This program provides "Junior loans ranging between $12.5 million and $60 million for medium-sized business particularly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and/or the recent decline in oil gas prices". For more information please visit HERE

Small Business Loans & Start-up Financing

BDC offers Small Business Loan (up to $100, 000) and Start-up financing ($250,000). For more information please visit the individual links.

Other Loans

BDC offers loans of more than $100,000 for Commercial real state financingPurchase order financing, Equipment purchase financing, Financing for tech companies, Business purchase or transfer financing, Working capital financing and Technology financing. For more information on any of these loans please click on the individual titles above.

Futurpreneur Canada

In partnership with the Business Development Bank of Canada, this program offers young entrepreneurs age 18 to 39 up to $60,000 in financing to launch or grow a business. For more information please visit HERE



FedNor is the Government of Canada's regional development agency (RDA) for Northern Ontario.


Through its programs and services, and through its financial support of projects that lead to job creation and economic growth, FedNor works with businesses and community partners to build a stronger Northern Ontario.

Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF)

“In January 2021, the Government of Canada announced an additional $29 million in support of RRRF in Northern Ontario, raising the total of RRRF investments to more than $100 million in the region since the start of the pandemic. Recognizing the importance of the Fund in supporting the region's tourism sector, FedNor will earmark a minimum of 25 per cent of all RRRF funding to assist local tourism businesses.” Also, the page indicates that “FedNor is partnering with Northern Ontario's 24 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) to offer financial support directly to small businesses and entrepreneurs in rural areas.” For more information please visit HERE

Regional Economic Growth through Innovation (REGI)

REGI offers two streams for businesses: Business scale-up and productivity and the Targeted Manufacturing Initiative for Northern Ontario (TMINO). Please consult TMINO Guidelines for more information on that program. For more information please visit the links provided above.

Northern Ontario Development Program (NODP)

NODP through the Community Economic Development stream, “FedNor supports communities' efforts to plan and mobilize their resources, enhance business growth, and exploit new opportunities for economic development and diversification. Recognizing the unique challenges facing Northern Ontario communities, many of which are small, rural and remote, FedNor will target its support to help them create the conditions necessary for economic growth and development.”

For more information please visit HERE

Community Futures Program (CFP)

(“Through its Community Futures Program (CFP), FedNor supports 24 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) located throughout Northern Ontario. CFDCs offer a wide variety of programs and services supporting community economic development and small business growth.” See also: the Community Futures Development Corporations in Ontario website.

For more information please visit HERE

Economic Development Initiative (EDI)

“FedNor recognizes that Francophone communities are important for the overall and economic well-being of Northern Ontario.FedNor supports these vibrant communities through its regular programs and through the Government of Canada’s Economic Development Initiative (EDI) for Official Language Minority Communities in Northern Ontario. Through this initiative, funding is available for activities related to business and economic development that encourage growth in Northern Ontario's Francophone communities.” For more information please visit HERE

Canadian Experiences Fund (CEF)

CEF “is a national program delivered by FedNor in Northern Ontario. The CEF is part of the Government of Canada’s renewed efforts to support the tourism sector, which includes the new Federal Tourism Growth Strategy”. Please note that the application period for the Canadian Experiences Fund is now closed.

Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED)


Canada Small Business Financing Program

This program seeks to make it more accessible to provide loans for the establishment, expansion, modernization and improvement of small businesses. A small business must apply to a participating financial institution (e. g. bank, credit union). There is an interactive map to identify lenders who are participating in the program.

For more information please visit HERE

Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF)

SIF's objective is to spur innovation by providing funding for large projects (over $10 million in requested contribution). Applications for the Streams 1, 2, and 3 are accepted on a continuing basis. For more information please visit HERE

Black Entrepreneurship Program(BEP)

This is a partnership between the Government of Canada, Black-led business organizations, and financial institutions. With an investment of up to $221 million over four years, it will help Black Canadian business owners and entrepreneurs grow their businesses and succeed now and into the future. For more information please visit HERE.

Women Entrepreneurship Strategy (WES)

WES is a nearly $5-billion investment that aims to increase women-owned businesses’ access to the financing, talent, networks and expertise they need to start up, scale up and access new markets. For more information please visit HERE.

Business Benefits Finder

Find the right programs and services, whether you’re starting out or scaling up.

For more information please visit HERE.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp (CMHC)


CMHC is a Crown Corporation of the Government of Canada. Its superseding agency was established after World War II, to help returning war veterans find housing. It has since expanded its mandate to assist housing for all Canadians. The organization's primary goals are to provide mortgage liquidity, assist in affordable housing development, and provide unbiased research and advice to the Canadian government, and housing industry.

COVID-19: Understanding Mortgage Payment Deferral

“Homeowners facing financial stress may be eligible for a mortgage payment deferral up to 6 months to help ease the financial burden.” For more information please visit HERE

COVID-19: Loan Payment Deferrals for Indigenous Clients

“CMHC offers solutions, such as reporting and operating agreement flexibilities and a loan payment deferral initiative, to help alleviate some of the financial impacts on Indigenous clients.” For more information please visit HERE

Other Federal Resources

Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS)

“Canadian businesses, non-profit organizations, or charities who have seen a drop in revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible for a subsidy to cover part of their commercial rent or property expenses, starting on September 27, 2020, until June 2021.” For more information please visit HERE

New Support for Tourism and Hospitality

“The government will work with financial institutions in the near term to create the Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program (HASCAP) – a new program for the hardest hit businesses, including those in sectors like tourism and hospitality, hotels, arts and entertainment. This stream would offer 100 per cent government-guaranteed financing for heavily impacted businesses, and provide low-interest loans of up to $1 million over extended terms, up to ten years. Rates will be lower than those offered in Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP) and beneath typical market rates for hard hit sectors.”

For more information please visit HERE

Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEF)

(LEEF): “will be open to large Canadian employers who (a) have a significant impact on Canada’s economy, as demonstrated by (i) having significant operations in Canada or (ii) supporting a significant workforce in Canada; (b) can generally demonstrate approximately $300 million or more in annual revenues; and (c) require a minimum loan size of about $60 million.”Make this your own. For more information please visit HERE

Provincial Resources


Find out about Ontario's response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and what you need to do.

Businesses: Get help with COVID-19 costs

Find out if your business is eligible for grants to help with the cost of personal protective equipment, property taxes, energy bills and extra support if you have to close or significantly restrict services because of provincial public health measures.

For more information please visit HERE

Ontario Small Business Support Grant

“Starting at $10,000 for all eligible businesses, the grant provides businesses with funding to a maximum of $20,000 to help cover decreased revenue expected as a result of the Province wide Shutdown.” For more information please visit HERE

Ontario's Main Street Relief Grant: PPE Support

This support is for “small businesses with the unexpected costs of [Personal Protective Equipment] PPE”.

For more information please visit HERE

Property tax and energy cost rebates

“Businesses that are, or were, required to shut down or significantly restrict services due to provincial public health measures can apply for rebates, provided in the form of grants, to help with their fixed costs. For more information please visit HERE

Small Business Access

Get support, information and advice to run your small business. For more information please visit HERE

Small Business Access also runs the following programs, please click on the individual links for more information:

Digital Main St.’s Programs for Ontario Businesses provides three programs to help business improve their digital presence: ShopHEREOntario Grants and Future Proof.

Funding for Indigenous economic development: “The Indigenous Economic Development Fund (IEDF) provides grants and financing to Indigenous entrepreneurs, businesses, communities and organizations.”

Canada-Ontario Job Grant Program: “The Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides direct financial support to individual employers or employer consortia who wish to purchase training for their employees. It is available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training to existing and new employees.”

Additional Provincial Resources

Starter Company Plus, administered by the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, provides Small business: advice, support services, regulations in Ontario. For more information please visit HERE


273 Third Avenue, Suite 405
Timmins, ON P4N 1E2
Tel: 705-268-6464

Toll-free: 1-866-935-6464

1A Duncan Ave. South, Unit 5
Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3N8
Tel: 705-567-2747

Toll-free: 1-866-504-2747

House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-992-2919

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