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About Petitions

One easy way for citizens to make their voices heard in Canada's Parliament is through the time honoured tradition of petitioning.


Every petition begins as an idea and progresses through several stages on its way to being signed and presented in the House of Commons for response from the government.


​A petition is used to draw attention to an issue of public interest or concern and to request that the House of Commons, the Government of Canada, a Minister of the Crown, or a Member of the House of Commons take some action. A person preparing and submitting such a request is known as a petitioner.


Petitioners cannot directly present a petition to the House of Commons; only a Member of Parliament is able to do so. In order to have a petition posted on the House of Commons e-petition website and eventually presented in the House, it must be sponsored by a Member.


A petition must also meet certain requirements established by the rules and practices of the House. The Clerk of Petitions, a non-partisan House of Commons employee, holds the authority to certify that these requirements have been met.



As of December 2015, thanks to the work of NDP MP Kennedy Stewart, the House of Commons now accepts e-petitions.


For information about creating an e-petition to parliament please visit the Guide to E-Petitions here.


The Guide to E-Petitions will help you create a petition that is properly formatted for submission to parliament.


There are also several petitions already prepared on issues that NDP Members are fighting for on behalf of ordinary working Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Print them off, collect signatures, and submit them to Charlie's office.


Charlie would be pleased to present petitions to the House of Commons on your behalf.


Please note petitions require a minimum of 25 signatures to be accepted by the House of Commons.

Paper Petitions

Hard copy paper petitions are still accepted by parliament.


For information about creating a paper petition to parliament please visit the Guide to Paper Petitions here.


There are also several petitions already prepared on issues that NDP Members are fighting for on behalf of ordinary working Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast. Print them off, collect signatures, and submit them to Charlie's office.


Charlie would be pleased to present petitions to the House of Commons on your behalf.


Please note petitions require a minimum of 25 signatures to be accepted by the House of Commons.


Charlie & Friends Photo Gallery

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Note: Information on this page was built using resources from the House of Commons guides to E-Petitions and Paper Petitions.

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