Friends, we are in uncharted waters. The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis unlike any other and I know people across Timmins-James Bay are worried about their health, their families, and paying the bills. My team is fielding emails and calls every day from constituents looking for help - even while we self-isolate, my team is here for you.
The NDP outlined the eight key measures we are calling on the government to do to help Canadians through the COVID-19 pandemic. The federal government has taken some good steps in response to that pressure, but still many fall through the cracks. The government must do more and do it faster.
We’re in this together.
You can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by staying home and practicing physical distancing. Together, we can stop the spread of the virus.
What is the latest situation in Canada?

Do I have COVID-19?
We encourage you to...

What are the symptoms and treatment?

What are the symptoms and treatment?
For details on symptoms and treatment please visit here.
“In January 2021, the Government of Canada announced an additional $29 million in support of RRRF in Northern Ontario, raising the total of RRRF investments to more than $100 million in the region since the start of the pandemic. Recognizing the importance of the Fund in supporting the region's tourism sector, FedNor will earmark a minimum of 25 per cent of all RRRF funding to assist local tourism businesses.” Also, the page indicates that “FedNor is partnering with Northern Ontario's 24 Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs) to offer financial support directly to small businesses and entrepreneurs in rural areas.”
See more here
Regional Economic Growth Through Innovation
(REGI) offers two streams for businesses: Business scale-up and productivity and the Targeted Manufacturing Initiative for Northern Ontario (TMINO). Please consult TMINO Guidelines for more information on that program.
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