Northern Municipalities are joining Charlie Angus request for the Competition Bureau to investigate gas prices in Northern Ontario. So far, Temagami, Kapuskasing, Machar, Fauquier-Strickland, Black-River Matheson, Mattice-Val Cote, and North Bay have written to the Competition Bureau. Timmins and Kirkland Lake have also passed a resolution on gasoline to the Provincial government. Angus says he is pleased to have the growing support of municipalities across the North because the retail price of gas affects every family in Northern Ontario.
"All across the North, the outrageous discrepancy between communities is impacting our regional competitiveness. That is why I am so pleased to see so many Northern communities join our campaign. The differences in price squeeze all of our industries and family pocketbooks.”
Angus wants the Bureau to review the current state of fuel costs in the north and determine whether or not prices are being kept artificially inflated. Angus has written to the Competition Bureau in the past and been frustrated by their unwillingness to look into the question of price gouging in the north.
"The discrepancy in prices can’t be simply explained away by the cost of delivery. I have heard loud and clear from my constituents that the premium that they pay in fuel prices cannot be from competitive market prices. Northern Municipalities are now making our voices heard.”