Sep / 10 / 2018
As children across Canada begin a new school year, 400 kids in Kashechewan First Nation are without a "safe and comfy school".
The community has initiated a national campaign to fight for these children.
As the Member of Parliament for this region, Charlie Angus is asking for your commitment to this fight. It will be a long battle and we need all of civil society on board.
A school is not a piece of infrastructure, it is a HOPE project. No parent in this country would accept sending their kids to a school under these unsanitary and hazardous conditions.
The federal government said they would get rid of these portables within 5 years and build a proper school - it's been 10 years! Now internal government documents show that the plan is for the people of Kashechewan to use these broken down, unsafe portables for another 40 years.
On September 10, 2018, Charlie Angus sent a letter to the Minister of Indigenous Services, Jane Philpott, asking her to take immediate action on this crisis. Click here to read the full letter.
How can you help?
You can support the children of Kashechewan by writing to your Member of Parliament, Minister Philpott and the Prime Minister. You can also raise awareness by sharing this campaign with your friends, family and community.
The children of Kashechewan are coming to Ottawa. September 17 @ 12 PM on Parliament Hill.
When Parliament resumes, the children of Kashechewan will be there to demand what other Canadian kids take for granted - the right to go to a safe and comfy school.
Will you be there to show your support? Stay tuned for more details.
Start of school year on hold in Kashechewan
CTV Northern Ontario
Read the article here.